SOLAR FLASH DEEP DIVE: The Solar Flash Explained, NEW Earth, The Clarion Call, Pyramid Holders & YOU


SOLAR FLASH DEEP DIVE: The Solar Flash Explained, NEW Earth, The Clarion Call, Pyramid Holders & YOU

SA Smith here, Girl In The Universe. How are you doing in these energies? I know it’s been a few weeks since I’ve made a video on here. I make videos on Patreon several times a week, but I like to come to YouTube and share a few things to talk about what’s going on, we have major energies major last night. We saw some of the biggest we’ve had yet I know every day, they’re a little bit bigger, but last night it really affected many of us that wave came through and some were just knocked on their butt.

Others of us felt like nerve issues throughout the body. An itchy feeling, um headache body aches, the whole bit joint pain, so all part of these energies, it’s all part of growing pains. If you really think about it, that’s what it is. Your system is growing.

You inside your soul is already ascended. This body is not, so all these energies are coming in to open up the body and help it to upgrade so that when the flash comes through, it’s an easy, easy transition for you to go into your higher self version. That’s what all these energies are about. I get so many messages like when is this going to end it’s going to end when you see the flash come through, and that’s that’s the whole bit about this.

Each of these energies coming in like they’re coming in right now, as I’m recording this, these are coming into your system flowing through upgrading, whatever is left within you that needs to be upgraded and then releasing out. That’s all they do and it’s helping you to become more you, it’s helping you connect into the higher version of you, you’re, an amazing high ascended, being I mean you, you are so powerful if you truly understood who you were, you could disconnect out of this whole System and go the police, don’t do that, we need you, we need you more than we ever have. We are what they’re calling at the event corridor and when they show it to me, they show it to me as we are standing at the doorway in front of the quantum and the 3d realm is behind us. The problem is, most of us are pointed in the direction of the 3d realm still, instead of turning around and pointing out to the great beyond everything there is and everything you ever needed or wanted it or ever wanted to know is in front of you not Behind you, so if you’re still digging into the 3d realm to trying to find things, the access to all that there is and all that there ever will be it’s through you, your heart, chakra, is your connection to that.


So look inside of you go, go, dig deep, go find yourself, a nice place, that’s quiet and connect in and see what comes through. We all connect to the same things. We all connect to the great and powerful amazing beings that we work with. I know with me I work with angelics, have a beautiful team evangelics that I work with and talk with and get to be around every day, and I’m sure you have a whole team that you work with.


All the information is the same. Some people are getting little bits of it. Some people are getting a lot. I happen to be part of the ascension team, so I’m in on the inner knowings, and I also know that many of my patreons are there too.


So we have a lot of information on what’s happening with the flash and what that means. I really dislike calling it the flash I like to call it the love wave. It’s basically these energies that we’re in right now they’re calling it the finale. It’s the next step of the starseeds journey.


It’s us walking into ourselves, but what it is. Basically is this large amount of energy just like you’re getting today, just like you’re feeling right now, but maybe times 10 before it would have been very difficult on us. But we’ve been upgrading and upgrading we’re in overtime at this point, so you are going to be able to move through this energy coming in very easily, but it’s going to be a very large large, energetic it’s not a flash. It’s more like a cloud you’re going to see like a mist roll through and it has a green tint to it, and the skies will have a green tint to it as well.


It’ll roll through you’ll get tired, you’ll lay down you’ll, relax, you’ll sleep. When you awaken this world around, you will be a 5d world. Unfortunately, we can’t stay here because this planet it is, it is falling apart. They call it.


The crumble is what they’re calling it so we’ll be going to new earth, which my team calls bless. Gaia, gaia is already there she’s set up the whole planet, it’s ready for us. You can go visit it now. I have many meditations that will take you there and once you’re there you can easily pop back and forth.


It’s like you connect into it and it becomes part of you and you’re going back and forth at that point. There are amazing things on blessed guy. It’s a beautiful planet. You are given a plot of land that is much like a um, your own pocket reality.


You build whatever you want on that land, however big you want it, but when you walk down the street, all anybody’s going to see is like a house, but when they walk into it, it’s like your own little dimensional rift. Where all of your home is. You could have 250 acres, you could have an acre whatever you want there, you manifest it, you build it, you put it all together.


It is yours to do with what you please. The whole planet is beautiful. It’s full of all types of different things.


There’s all different types of um areas. If you want to live in um, it’s just beautiful. I highly recommend you going over and checking it out.


You’ve probably been dreaming about it. You’ve probably been seeing it anything is possible there. You just have to manifest it. It’s all about you, this whole journey is all about you, the creator that you are the amazing being that you are.


We are now here to help the humans ascend this planet, that’s what this is all about, getting them comfortable and into a higher dimensional reality. Um. You and I are already ascended our souls are ascended we’re starseeds we’re not human, we’re starseeds. We did not incarnate here first, so this body that we’re in all these energies that are coming in are upgrading the body so that you can take the body with you.


I hear all kinds of questions. All the time is the body going with us. Are we staying on this planet? What is going on? Well, let me tell you we wouldn’t be having all these energies coming in to upgrade you if you were just going to leave the body here right, I mean that’s a lot of work.


That’s a lot to put you through for nothing. We are able to leave the body and, in our light body we do that at night, all the time when you get to blesskaya, you have an original form, because you are a starseed, you will have the human body as well or the light body. You can switch between whatever you want to do. I know that’s a lot to take in, and I know it’s if you’re just hearing this for the first time it can be a lot, but it’s important that we deep dive on this because we’re in the event corridor we’re there they’re working on it now to Bring it through and they’d like to have it here by the end of the year so sooner than better – and you should know they they’re working on this now, this is could go anytime now, that’s why they keep talking about the clarion call.


The clarion call is literally like a biblical looking thing: they have angels, with trumpets on high ready to go. That clarion call. It calls to you to your soul to your heart chakra. You will hear it every light worker will and when you hear that and it’ll it’ll sound, like trumpets most people who hear trumpets, I heard some will hear bells, but all will hear it at the same time.


It is not something that happens individually for each of us, just like the flash, it doesn’t happen individually, it’s happening, it’s an event and it’s happening at once same thing with the clarion call it will happen. You will hear it. It will happen long enough. They say like 30 seconds 45 seconds so that you hear it and understand it.


It is already within you to know what that clarion call means so take that in for a minute, because that’s pretty big we’re going to hear that clarion call and within two hours the flash will roll through. Basically, the clarion call says the flash is here: it’s about ready to enter the atmosphere, get ready. You have station agents with you at your home now, which is really exciting. These are beans that are higher vibrational than you are, but they’re friends of yours they’re there to take care of you.


So no matter where you are on this earthly plane. When that flash rolls through, you will have someone with you to take care of you, you could be in a plane, you could be flying and they have station agents on those planes on mass transportation in schools everywhere. So that way, when the flash goes through, no matter where you are or what’s happening, there’s somebody there to take care of it. So you know, pilots are going to fall asleep too everybody that’s here for the flash is going to fall asleep, so they need somebody there to make sure you’re.


Okay, as you go through it now, if you’re home during the flash with most of us will be, you will have your station agents there as well. I know my station agents I’ve made sure to like make sure the heat’s on, because it’s cold here now make sure the dog has water, even though I know the dog will be sleeping, I’d like to make sure if she wakes up before I do she’s taking Care of those kind of things you can ask them to do whatever you want and just talk with them. The trick with them is watch your animals because your animals will see them walking around the house. I know my little dog.


She follows them all over the place. You can see that too. Some of us can see them I’ll get an outline every once in a while as they zoom by but they’re with us until we flash that’s. How close we are.


That is the reality of the situation. We’re in now. Could you imagine doing these energies for like two or three more years increasing every day my team says that’s impossible, that our bodies are upgrading to the point where we have distaste for the food now, because we can tell it’s not good for us even the best Water, you could buy is still not great for us and our bodies are becoming pristine.


We’re getting to a point where they’re upgraded so high that if we stayed here too long, it would make us sick and we don’t want to do that, and we have so many things happening. So many different roads and and um missions going on. Everybody is a part of this. Each one of us, like workers, all have something we’re doing in this ascension team.


It’s not a couple people working on it, we’re all working on it and oftentimes we’ll see people. We know when we’re working and we’ll bring that memory back in at night, which is so exciting when you see someone you’ve met and you’re like wow, I saw you last night, you were working on the pyramids speaking of pyramids. I’ve talked to this before. If you’re, a pyramid holder, you’ve been hearing feeling the pyramid starting and activating, basically, there are many light workers about 80 percent of the light workers not warriors workers have a pyramid, and this is an energetic pyramid that was built by you and it’s a real pyramid Of energy in the 5d, we won’t see it as real until after the flash, then you’ll see the pyramids all over the place.


It’s rather exciting because we’ve been making these pyramids for months and months and months, some people years and holding their energies there. It’s like a little small power plant of your energy and it’s important now, because we have 15, large and large pyramids that are connected all over the planet and they’re all side to side. Butting up and all the smaller pyramids are up inside under them. So we’re all connected during this when the flash goes through, we’ll see all those pyramids activate and they are already here in the 5d, but we can’t see them because we can’t see 5d so as the flash goes through and the van allen belts open.


The energy changes, and we will now have 5d energy coming in when that happens, when you awaken, you will see those pyramids all over the field. The field is what they show it as as a flat base kind of like a map. You know how we have globes that wrap around right.


Then the map is the flat version. So when they talk about the pyramid field, it’s the flat version of our world and just all of the pyramids on it. So when you awaken you’ll open your eyes and see those pyramids all over the place except they’ll, be solid, there’ll be energetic pyramids that have now become real because we’re in the 5d here and each one of those pyramids is connected with a portal to the bridge. Walking over to blesskaya, so when you wake up you’ll realize: oh, I just walk over the bridge to blesskaya and there I am and if you’re uncomfortable calling it bless gaia, I call it bless gaia.


It’s just new earth. It’s a beautiful, beautiful place that has been built for us and by us. Many of us have worked on it and been there a long time.


There are little shops there that you can barter with whatever you you manifest and what you love you can share with them. There’s there’s a cute little cafe that you can sit there and eat at there’s a big round coliseum where all of the music and entertainment there’s several of those off planet as well. Obviously, but this one is so interesting because when we have music there it’s in the round and they circle above the coliseum and you can watch them and when music is played, you see the energy, the colors and the light come out of it.


It’s just an amazing place to be. I have a big old tree house there that is turned into the tree of life. You can go visit that you can ground.


There can’t recommend it high enough going to blesskaya all of the answers. If you’re wondering about this flash and what we’re doing and the ascension all of it can be found there all of your answers, you go there, you look around, you feel it. You become part of it.


You understand, and I highly recommend that I have several meditations on my youtube channel – that I take you to bless gaia, check them out, they’re, very fun and it’ll help answer some of your questions. All of your team is working with you at this time. To get you ready for this, and if you talk with your team or even ask for questions, they’ll answer them for you and let you know what’s going on this is the time we’re in this is where we are, and it is going to become more amazing.


As we go, but we’re also watching some earth changes, starting already the um several major earthquakes – and they had talked about this as we come into the time of the flash. Please remember we’re right there at the event corridor, ready to walk forward, we’re going to see earth changes happen, lots of them, storms, earthquakes, possibly volcanoes, even as we go forward. Please remember that you are a light worker and you are protected you’re here to help and you are strategically placed where you are right now, so that you can hold your vibration.


You can share it out with others and just let it flow. At this point, everybody is awake that needed to be awakened everybody’s ready to go. Everybody has chose their path.


We have some that aren’t what ready to ascend and they’re going to what they’re calling the vacation planet, which is basically a planet that looks just like this. Allowing them to move forward in their own time and space. Many of us are going back over, not incarnating, but going back over to help with them and work with them once they get through their wake up period and there’s those of us that are ascending and we have the humans.


Many more humans are ascending than originally thought and that’s super exciting. This is all for them. This is all about them.


You are already ascended. You came in here and volunteered to help and wake everyone up and get them the humans um to where they need to be and help them ascend off of this planet so that they can live happily and no longer be part of the regime. That’s here it’s very exciting because we’ve been working on this for so long and we’re there we’re right there we’re right at the threshold of all of this, and it’s coming through. The next step is the clarion call we already have the bliss energies, bliss energy started.


Coming in last sunday, they are continuing, you’ll feel them off and on the closer the flash gets the stronger they’ll become, and that will be very interesting to watch and then the clarion call will come through and that will be your notice that we are going forward. Um I have a flash post ready to go. It’s been ready to go for a couple months now because we’ve been pushing this through, and you should know every day, they’re working on this they’re, making adjustments getting things ready right now, we’re at a time where there’s a beautiful gathering of beings that know you, people That you love that have passed animals that have passed they’re gathering now on bless, gaia, getting ready to welcome you home.


That’s how close we are. This is all coming forward. This is all part of it and it’s really exciting and it’s really exciting to be a part and know what we’re doing and where we’re going.

I can’t thank you enough, because we couldn’t do this without you. Everything that’s happening is because of you, it’s your energy. It’s all the inner work you’ve done all of the steps you’ve taken. This is not easy and I often get questions like solar flash.


That’s an easy way out. I giggle. None of this is easy.

This has been a very difficult mission and we’ve gone on for months longer than we’re supposed to all, because we’re able to and all because they want it to be perfectly safe and aligned for the human. So when that energy comes through you and I can hold energy very well – I mean we hold a lot of light humans, not so much so it’s got to be soft and gentle and easy for them so that they can hold that light and move through it Carefully and that’s the whole point here, everybody gets through, and I also like to leave a reminder that everybody’s coming with us. Nothing is left here, animal vegetable, mineral, it’s all going they like to say not even a blade of grass will be wasted.


Everything’s coming with us all, the animals on this planet are coming with us all of the trees, all of the love all of the birds, it’s all coming with us all the kiddos are coming with us. Anyone and everyone that wants to ascend is coming. That’s where we are that’s what we’re doing so.

Don’t worry about that and, if you’re concerned about you or your path or maybe your what what you’re going to be doing going forward, think about what you would want done, how would you want to hold this? How would you want to handle it and then imagine you’re the higher version of you? How what abilities you have to make that happen? We think about things like. I know that they’re bringing my son to the house during the flash so we’ll all wake up together, but that’s only because I I’m able to know that it’s happening if you have kiddos that don’t live with you or maybe are at school and you’d like them To be here, you can set that up. You make all the rules for this.

Every bit of this you have agreed to, and every single person on this planet had to agree. Free will is an important thing and it is a rule that the universe lives by. No one can do anything unless you have their okay and that’s really important to remember, especially with the humans that aren’t ascending.

It’s because they’ve decided they weren’t ready and they couldn’t hold the light and they wouldn’t make it through the flash so, but they want a chance at that, so we’re giving them another place to do it. That is safe, because this planet is falling apart. They have an overlay on it right now that is literally holding it together. We have terraforming ships here now waiting for the flash to go through and then they’re going to start terraforming it and letting it rest and then it will rebuild and it will be a new planet.

And then you can come back and visit her in like three or four hundred years, because you’ll be alive. Still your energy energy doesn’t exist, doesn’t end and with us outside of here, death isn’t a death thing death is I’ve decided. I no longer want to be this being I’m going back to taurus and then you just start over again. That’s all.

It is same thing when you leave here all of our relatives that have left they’ve gone to where they believe they should go most of them. Probably think they’re in heaven, when really they’re in the higher realms and they’ll stay there for a little while and then they’ll their team will pull them out and be like hey. You ready to do this, and then they remember where they are and they’re now watching us and a part of all of this.

Many of them are at the tent on blesskaya waiting for us. It’s big, beautiful white tent that they’ve built looks like something you would see in a movie like for a wedding or something one of those really big ones and there’s so many people in there waiting and watching and they’ve been watching you this whole time they’re with You they love you and they can’t wait to see you again so know that you have that waiting for you when you cross over the bridge to bless gaia. Also, each light worker gets a very special special celebration.


That’s just for you! When you walk over that bridge, like a mist, will come up around you and you will see all the people that you helped. You will see everyone that you came to their rescue and they will celebrate you and they are so excited about doing this. The ascension team is so excited about sharing this part with you.


We have amazing times ahead of us, but we do have a lot of energies that are still to come and as these continue to grow, and you feel them within. You know that these energies are part of the flash they’re, not the full flash. When the full flash comes through trust me, you won’t be guessing, you will know everyone will know, because everything will change and it’ll change for the best.


Thank you enough for being here and being a part of a girl in the universe and being a part of my journey, and I get to be a part of yours. I want to thank you so much for everything you’re doing, and I want to tell you that you are exactly where you need to be at this now moment. Don’t doubt you, you are an amazing being of love, you hold love, you hold light, so many people love you and appreciate you.


I know I do I want to thank. You.  Have a great holiday, much love and light.


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