Marina Seren


the starseed mission

Marina Seren

All right welcome everyone welcome to all of you light workers, star seeds, extraterrestrials other beings that are with us in portal 2 ascension. We have a very exciting program today, we’re going to talk about the starseed programs and what it’s like to just wake up and know that you’re part of the ascension of humanity and the raising of consciousness here so guys, i’m your host joan of angels, i’m actually The director of productions now at portal 2 ascension and the host of many pta shows – and i myself an intuitive guy transformational coach, so soul awakening mentor. Who helps you remember why you’re here to step into your mission and sole purpose this life? So you can guys you can check me out joan of angelscom, so guys also be sure to like subscribe and share out this channel, and today we are going to be interviewing an et starseed, a favorite person of mine, marina, sarin she’s known as a psychic medium.

A conscious channeler, an et contacty, slash abductee. We know all about what that’s like for many of us. She experiences many programs, a secret space program, she’s been a psychic super soldier insider and has just stepped into an amazing consciousness, especially for one so young. So i am so happy to welcome you on to portal 2 ascension again, probably for the umpteenth time, but to just have you here to do a show with me so welcome marina.

Thank you. It’s been a it’s been it’s a pleasure to be finally here to talk to you, john well, i have actually wanted to interview you for quite a long time, so it just worked out perfectly to do it here, but so i guess i want to start with. Like how did you become you, how did you wake up and now, because i now now see you on all of our shows and like what happened as you wake up. Have you always been awoken? What was your life like to become you here, crazy story? Um all these downloads for me started when i was a child, but the real awakening or activation happened with my kundalini awakening, which is what it was about: 15, 16 years old in 2016 um, when i was a child, i used to tell my parents that i Was not from here that i was an extraterrestrials, they came from another planet and they will ask me well, how did you get here, and i said i teleported to the warm with my mom and i will be obsessed about it is about space.

I will just be willing, i will just be waiting for the moment to go back to the spaceships and and space and and all of those things, and i will use my psychic abilities consciously, and i will be aware that i will have them. You know, but not until i was 15 years old in 2016, is where i have my strong kundalini awakening. That was determined in a point in my life, in which everything changed completely, and so i started my path towards ascension.

Were you surprised like like? So you grew up having special skills. You were psychic, you just knew things you knew you were not from here. Did you actually believe that you’re an extraterrestrial, do you believe, you’re more, like a a walkin, a hybrid, a star seed? You know all of those components how how do you describe yourself now um,

i started describing myself as a hybrid, but because i had troubles with the current agenda.

I define myself as a starseed

They don’t really come from another planet directly, Because they have had many more incarnations on earth, which is the case of most of us um. Let’s say that quantum is speaking when we, when there’s an incarnation of a soul from another soul, that specific consciousness, because it has integrated more experience within their own edna, which is embedded. You know all these, like codes of higher frequencies, are embedded in their dna containing more experience, more dimensional depth of consciousness.

They are currently activating that part of the human genome. That is more of a higher dimension, which is our extraterrestrial dna, because we’re hybrids, so that makes it so that we are currently connected to parallel incarnations that are happening simultaneously in time that are going on in other star systems and even civilizations, so basically exothermical lifetime Incarnations and that’s what makes us to be starseeds, because our soul is component of much more aspects that are extraterrestrial in nature than human ones. I understand so they add to who we are and you’re saying we exist simultaneously here in the physical 3d, but we could be existing on not just one planet than many planets or many ships. Just you know, i’m still dealing with one ship one planet, but i i now understand so so you call you’re a star seed.

That’s come here then, to help await like what would you say the reason you’re here, you’ve, probably known it all your life, i’m thinking! Yes well, the general reason we are all here is to lift the frequency of humanity and to bring more of these high frequency codes that are embedded in our dna. So when we wake up when we have our activations just by being ourselves just by walking the path of ascension and a spiritual awakening, we are slowly processing all these higher frequency coats that are already embedded within and so we’re starting to integrate them and slowly express Them in the outside, in this matrix through this physical vessel, and so because this physical vessel is an extension of nature of the nature of this planet. It has a direct tie to it, and so it gets downloaded into the frequency matrix of the earth consciousness itself.

So it’s a service of bringing in more of that higher dimensional knowledge that we got from other planets and civilizations. But personally i have many missions like many like all of us, which is um dependent. It is in regards to who we are.

You know it goes around who we are in my case. I have many different projects going on, so i guess it’s it’s just it’s. You know like a many of them, so so you’ve all been connected.

Your parents you used to. I find it really fascinating that you actually told your parents did you do you know what planet you might be from or where you’re from actually well that changes depending on what is the specific um energetic, exist, assistance or consciousness um, let’s say um assistance that you Need for your spiritual awakening so, for example, to give an example when i was firstly awakening, my first strongest connection was to andromeda and arturo, but slowly as i evolved and as i needed different kinds of activations of aspects of my multidimensional self, it shifted to a Different origin, and now, for example, my korean strongest and origin is aldebran, as well as a really specific star in the capricorn system, which is a which is part of a is um cyberlife by a species of anunnakis that were working with humanity for thousands of years. Here so far in this planet and gave us a lot of interesting knowledge and amazing, you know wisdom, which is the tall blue giants. You know from the ancient civilizations so you’re saying that the anunnaki are the tall blue giants, no beyond lucky mario’s different kinds of it is the other brown beans that i mentioned are anunnaki.

The taboo skin beans are unlucky. There are many kinds of because they have different soup types and soup races. So right got it so you’re also part anunnaki. You know, there’s a thing, so many people have a lot of different con conflicting opinions about the anunnaki that they controlled humanity.

They were here to you, know, have us all bow down and worship them, and so i there’s even controversy about whether or not they’re returning and whether or not they’re actually positive. You know they have a positive influence on us. So i’m really curious to know what what you know your thoughts on this sure they are referring to kind of anarchies that are not positive, oriented and that are mostly interested in us as an experiment and as a resource of energy, rather than and also a way Like um, like a convergent like a point of conversion of their own karmic issues to let’s say deal with, we deal with them in a way that we do the hard work and they step back from it.

And let us you know, process all these things so that they cannot actually also evolve from our perspective, but from a point of view that they control it. They control what direction we take it to so that it they. It also helps them get get them to the point that they want to go into. So let’s say that the anunnakis are various.

There are various kinds of anunnakis, so the people that are usually talking about about them and and referring to them as the bad guys. The people that are designed to control us and to they see us as bastard people who are not you know, pure in terms of blood. Those are the regressive kinds which i also dealt with and it it’s been terrible.

I can imagine so so. You’Ve had to face many of these beings is what it feels feels like to me. Is that right, and do you like to talk about it or not, really like to talk about it? I’M pretty often about everything i experienced. Do you want to share some of the experiences, then sure? So when i was uh when i was awakening in my 16 years old 15 16 um, i was getting downloads really positive dollars about many of my past lives.

Many of my you know. Um connections to nice, extraterrestrials and you know positive stylizations and aspects of myself that, were you know, from higher dimensions and you know pretty much frequency higher frequencies. You know high frequency consciousness, but at the same time you know. On the other hand, i was getting downloads of the negative aspect of my experience here and as marina in this incarnation, which has been through a lot of things, which is summarizing the negative aspects of the secret space program, which involves mind control a project that is Called mk ultra, so when i was in my when i was in the classroom i was having you know, i was doing homework.

I was just meditating about things about abductions, some at some specific point of of that day. Strong vivid memories came to me of me of when i was like me as a child when i was very little in mad bets, not the positive ones, but like mad bad laboratories being experimented on by human um. Doctors – and you know them performing many kinds of different negative things to me, so i got trauma from those memories because i remember them clearly and i actually developed ptsd and i had to deal with posttraumatic stress disorder for about five years and not until five years. I overcome it completely or almost completely, and now i am at a point in my life in which i feel pretty safe, pretty you know comfortable with my state of being, but it has been literal hell.

So it’s been hard. I want to take a deep breath. We want to transmute some of that trauma because you know the extraterrestrial experience is not always a pleasant one.

You know yes, some people have wonderful contacts and – and it’s all about these positive downloads, but that’s an illusion to think that it’s that way for everyone yeah. I mean i got positive and negative, i got both of them, but you know i remember lying in bed at night for many many years and i would like i would be frozen in bed just like a classical abduction. You know i just would be frozen.

I couldn’t move i’d, hear footsteps sometimes and that didn’t stop until i was 43 and i actually can remember when i stopped being in terror going to bed. So i don’t want to go there, but i can. I can remember that so.

But you’re are you still in touch with the extraterrestrials now the more positive ones that that you’re in touch with and those are the and those are the annunaki that you’re telling me about now – that are the more positive ones with a human with an agenda. So why do you think they’re here both the positive and you know what what do you think the whole agenda is here then um? There are many there’s so many agendas. We wouldn’t even have time if it was one week of interview to talk about them, but i understand that do you? Do you think that they’re here to help us, you know, there’s a lot of people who say they’re. Definitely here to help us.

You know the pleiadians, the galactic alliance, that they’re here to do you believe that that’s true? Yes, because they are at the end of the day, our family, and they are really positive beings at a really high frequency um. They are of a very pretty much like a service to to others. You know say of being or dynamics in terms of how they relate to their reality, so they want the best for us to working for the best of our experience of our evolution, of our outcomes as a species, and they want best for us, and so they Love us, they deeply love us and they’re doing it.

For that reason, they’re zombies that may have their agenda, but um there are beings who are not so much into the agenda or the outcome of what they get from that, but rather the help itself. The action of being of assistance to us itself out of love, so these beings that you’re working with now. Yes, they actually save me from many many different attacks, so i have to find them like they saved my life completely. Did you call on them, or did they like just show up and start supporting you? They show up, they presented themselves.

They explained to me why my second name is seren, which is connected to their ancestry, to a really specific genetic lineage, and so it has its story, and so they taught me about my my own lineage, my own spiritual connections, my bloodline, why? They are my strongest. You know like connection in the moment of my current, like galactic family and almost like it’s. It’s mostly them trying to remind me of the experiences that we had in past live incarnations on earth in which they actually came here.

They landed and they started to working with, to work with us and teach us about inner technology of our bodies, of our how it works, um meditation how psychic abilities work um? What is our connections? What’s our history, what is our place in the universe? Who is how we truly are all these different things they’re, just in that path of letting me remember, finally, who i who i am to them and who we are on a bigger scale, so you had to go through all those other experiences as sort of part Of your awakening to know it existed even and now they’ve taken over your training and kind of rescued you in a certain way or helped you get back on this other path is what i’m hearing yeah, i that’s, actually very, very beautiful. So, first of all, i want to congratulate you. You know it’s like. Okay, that’s a whole new phase and a whole new energy.

Do you teach their work like? What is your work with p, first of all, you’re, so young? You know that you’ve had all these experiences, and i i just want to acknowledge that when i first saw you on the wish alliance, i remember thinking that you know. If i didn’t know you an extraterrestrial, if i was on an et thing, you’d look so much like a a fairy that you also came from the fairy realms. Has anyone ever told you that, yes, sir connection you’re so correct, i do have a strong fairy connection.

I have many experiences in the actual in which i am actually taken in the form of my theory aspect, soul aspect. So you’re right. Do you ever talk about that? I think it’s very fascinating that you know so on the earth you’ve been that that part of the little people – and you definitely you know your whole essence – also. Has that look in fact, probably the more we talk about the fairy side of you more we’ll, even see your ears come out and just see that look on your shapeshift forest a little bit.

I think you like that side of you. I can feel like a sort of sense of joy connecting to her yeah. I thought you had a lot of fairy energy in you.

So do you connect with them? Also yeah? I have a celtic lineage like strong lineage, so the celtics were always the celtic were always connecting to nature to the higher actual realms to the elementals, mostly with the nature forces and those involves also the fairies. You know the alvins, and so that’s where i got my connection from. I actually got experiences when i was not in a physical vessel in which i was expressing my soul as a fairy in this planet and in other planets like andromeda. So and i can see it yes, so it was amazing.

It was all about connecting with the love of mother, gaia and um. Being you know, like being a sister, her brotherhood, you know community, in which we all work with the synergy of all the elements that compose nature itself and how the ecosystem synchronizes itself to make it all work. So that lives is sustainable and possible on earth and it’s an exchange of consciousness that is always being, let’s say, mothered by gaia by the spirit of the planet itself and source.

I love that i i just love that. So how do you know you’re, bringing both your fairy self, along with your galactic self? You have a lot of nasty, i’m thinking, you have a lot of messages. I was looking on your website.

You have so much wisdom that you i i lost it on my cell phone, but you had all these these little pieces of wisdom like what would you tell people that then are waking up to all these aspects of yourself? You know: do you help people wake up to it like? What does your work in guiding people look like? Well, generally, in my profile and in my websites, i always post downloads of informations experiences that i might have so that i inform also the community of the narratives or the you know: the current um yeah like the narrative or exo politics, but um personally, i also Do sessions in which i guide people and tune into the frequency of that person. I do an energetic reading. I send that information to my higher mind and as a conscious channeler.

I bring that information forward to the um client in question and they start to receive intuitive guidance and assist them from a higher mind on how to overcome their spiritual challenges, how to get to connect to more aspects of their multidimensional self. So it’s a pretty exciting journey. I will say i love to help people, so i know i want to show everyone that the conference that we’re on – and maybe you can tell us a little bit about what you might be speaking about. Okay, let’s see so guys.

Let’s see, we can see it so we’re very blessed to have you next weekend on the starseed and hybrid conference. I know you’re speaking here. Do you want to share and guys you can sign up and register for it? It’s the registrations right on portal to ascension, we’ll have the links for you below, but we have the twoday conference.

What are you going to be speaking about? Do you know yeah, i’m going to be speaking about this, this story, the summary of the story of how is that humanity? It got to be a hybrid species for what purpose? What are the advantages of that? What are the the let’s say, yeah what it is all about the idea being hybrid itself, because again many people relate that were or made that direct relationship to the hybrid breeding programs that are going on right now, uh, which i’m personally not connecting to anymore. But i want in the in the conference, i want to specifically remind people that hybrid, the war hybrid is a general thing that we all are. So it’s not just about the you know, programs that might be going on right now with ets in terms of breeding and creating children. It’s about us too.

It’s about us being hybrids and our hybrid nature, and you know just remind people what it means to be hybrid when you talk about so we’re all kind of hybrid right in a certain way, but maybe some people are more than other people. We have some people or or have more connection is this. Is this hybrid program? You know the one that we’ve been kind of alluding to is that a new program on the planet has it been around since say the 50s, or has it been around forever? It’s been here since i believe the the last century, and i am currently in conflict with it.

I will say, because i had negative experience with them when i expose them for realizing that their ultimate agenda is, to, let’s say, introduce these children that they created through the abduction programs to replace humanity’s dna genome to replace humanity in other species. So because i exposed them, i had this certain negative experiences and i’m against it. I believe that we all have the potential to become superhuman again like in the times of atlantis and in the past realizations, and i believe that we do not need any kind of transhuman upgrade.

We just need the natural awakening upgrade that we already have within us. So that i totally agree you know, the humanity is a very an amazing species of being. We have, we have our emotions, we can feel we can emote.

When you know we have our intelligence, so i think that we should be celebrating our humanity as opposed to our ai. I suppose that’s what i’m going to say. So i do agree, and, and so i’m thinking of protection, your guides are helping you that you’re in connection with with those kind of anunnaki beings that are supporting this shift for you, i’m glad you’re speaking about it. Someone has to speak about it.

It’s true and – and so that’s also part of you, your your awakening and helping people be more aware. So any other messages – i don’t you know, i’m so excited you’re going to be on the conference. I’M going to definitely make sure. I hear your presentation and i think everyone’s going to really enjoy it.

Do you have any other messages for us from your from your tribe that they want us to know? Yes, i want people to know that right now, there’s a lot of extra politics and narratives going on in terms of bts uh neglect considerations, galactic conference, um configurations whatever, because there’s a lot of interest and there’s a lot of interest in us and there’s a lot Of also selfserving agendas, you know being pushed passively or more actively, so we’re we. They have the eye on us. They pretty much have us. Have us in the you know, let’s say in the target point of attention and i believe that right now we have to be very um discerning or what kind of information comes here? What kind of uh interactions we’re having or we’re agreeing to have with certain itis, and that i also want to remind people that there is a tendency in the community in the spiritual community to super develop.

The divine feminine, which is the divine feminine, is great it’s. What we mostly need right now, but sometimes it gets to a point in which it’s over developed in comparison to the divine masculine and that causes that people becomes too passive and to easily manipulate manipulate, manipulate, manipulated, manipulated, yes, and so they are more, let’s say: um Vulnerable to being drawn into different directions that might not be of their best interest or preference just because they’re just letting go way too much of the process are not standing up for their true desire or to um wish to go forward into one direction or another. Their choices, so i believe that sometimes when there has been an experience when there has been an intervention when something whatever that it might be, has happened uh when people come in the community and say: oh just let go you just created yourself because you’re the creator Of your reality, you’re responsible for everything that is great as a teaching that is great to integrate it as a teaching, because it’s funny it is true.

We are the creators of our reality, we’re the ultimate responsible for it, but that i believe that in these times of transformation and great confusion, there needs to be violence with that part, which is the divine feminine’s wisdom with the divine masculine. The wind wisdom, which is all about empowering setting up banterings, drawing the line, saying learning how to say no to certain things, reaffirming what is what we truly are are and what is what that we truly want for ourselves to make our own decisions as a race And species that is becoming adult after their own in us revolution. You know period of time which we were more like teenagers. So i believe it’s the greatest um one of the greatest time, right now of um, of really truly balancing those dualities of masculine and feminine, and we need to be aware that both are needed in terms of evolution.

We need both of them. We can’t really gloss over either side, and it is true it’s about really taking responsibility and discernment and really being able to tell when something is not for our highest good, even if everyone else is saying it’s for your highest good this. This is the way you know what’s what’s wrong with you, that you’re not getting it and and probably the most disempowering words i’ve ever heard of, is like well what’s wrong with you that you don’t see that, but but the truth is: is that learning how to Learning your boundaries, you know, learning what’s right, for you is most important and i and i’m very proud of you marina.

I i hear that you know i’m reading between the lines in a sense that this was not an easy transformation for you to go from. You know being a part of a program that you you realize you didn’t agree with, that wasn’t for the good of humanity and being able to step, stand up and say no, you know with a lot of against the tide of of you know like. Let’s accept this as as the big best thing you know the best thing, and so i think i’m really i’m really proud of you. As from one person to another.

You know i’d give you a big hug, because you’re you’re standing up, you know, there’s a there’s abuse on all levels: there’s abuse on personal levels, there’s abuse on galactic levels on celestial levels. You know not all beings that come to us or have our best intentions. Either on the physical or on the other, and yet so many of them are here, and so it’s up to us to really learn how to differentiate it and how to protect us.

So i’m thinking you’re a really good resource for that. Thank you. So much yeah you’re really great resources, i’m so so.

Where can people find you marina at wwwmarinasarandcom nice, and they can guys you can catch her on the hybrid program at the star student hybrid conference is coming up and we’ll post the links of that below also – and i’m just delighted that i got a chance to To connect with you well likewise, i really enjoyed this conversation, john yeah. So let’s hope we’ll do it again, and i know i’m gon na get to see you in the future. Some trip that i’m gon na do with maybe neil and maybe you’ll be not so far away, and i just look forward to seeing you online and getting to know you better sweetie.

Oh thank you. So much just thank you for all that. You know i just want to say thank you for what you’ve gone through to to getting to the point of where you are now to teach us all and share your wisdom with us.

Thank you all right, all right, so guys, you’ve been talking to joan of angels. We’Ve been well you’ve been listening joan of angels for portal 2 ascension we’ve been interviewing, marina siren, who is a starseed extraordinary with a lot of wisdom and a lot of knowledge about how you, too, can discern? What’s going on for you and connect to your own guides and helps you with your spiritual journey? Is what i’m getting? Thank you. Thank you.

So much guys you can check portal 2 ascension out, be sure to like subscribe and share and check me out at joan. Ofangelscom as well, alright, we’ll see you all next time bye for now.

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