Solar Flash Update. 5d New Earth (A Girl In The Universe)


a girl in the universe

Solar Flash Update. 5d New Earth (A Girl In The Universe)

Hello light workers SA Smith here, Girl In The Universe. How are you doing in these amazing energies, they’re, so high and they’re pushing you so high, just letting you flow in these energies remember this isn’t easy. It takes a lot of us all together, holding our light going forward.

I want to talk today about the grand solar flash. I know I’ve been talking about this forever, our ascension team, our star nations, our angelics – are all working together to bring this through. We have been working on this for months, it’s all about hitting the right vibration.

We have some weird new programming that came into effect a couple months ago or I’m sorry a couple weeks ago, and this is really really getting to the light workers. So I shared this before and I’m going to share it again if you feel like you’re in fear, for no reason and it’s getting worse, I highly recommend wrapping everything wrap your phone wrap. Your monitors wrap your tvs because this new programming is coming in and its whole idea is to knock you off your vibration.

You are powerful and where your attention goes, your energy flows. So if suddenly, you’ve been on social media or you’re watching tv or the news and you’re feeling fearful and you’re, not usually that way wrap everything, because if you wrap it and then set the intention that as that programming or anything, that’s not for your greater and Higher good comes in it’s captured by that sort of site and then sent back to source, so anything coming through it’s just for your greater and higher good. You are so important and your vibration is so important. All we have to do now is hold the light.

Hold our vibration now that doesn’t mean that I want you walking around or I’m suggesting that you walk around giddy all the time very hard to do in everyday life. If you can do that, you’re amazing, if you can’t it’s because the rest of us, we don’t work, you know things come in things happen, but if you wrap yourself, your vibration will stay at a steady level plus also there’s a lot coming through right now, purging. You clearing anything that your team can release now out of your system.

They’re doing so it has been quite the last week has been quite emotional from crying for no reason crying, because you’re so happy and like love is seeping out of your eyes, with each tear or because you’re, showing things and you’re being triggered. Each of those triggers is such a blessing because it’s just helping you connect in and release that triggers you, you stop. You look at what triggered you ask yourself.

Why did that trigger me today? What do I need to learn? And it’s like pulling back from the emotion so that you can look at what just happened, see their side of it, see your side see why you were triggered because emotions belong to us. We’re only triggered if we allow ourselves to be triggered and if you’re triggered it’s so your team can teach you something or you can learn something new or release an old belief out of your system. You are changing by the moment, upgrading and becoming this beautiful amazing.

Being that you truly are outside if you’re you’re already ascended inside here we’re sending the body and the mind, so it can be quite difficult at times, but you’re doing wonderful, remember, you’re! Exactly where you need to be you’re moving forward. You can hold the light at this point and that’s what we need to do is just hold the light and just be the best versions of us. We can be the highest version of you, you can be, and whatever that looks like that’s perfect, you know my team always says there are no perfect humans and while we’re in this human skin, that includes you and I um even outside of here. We just try to do our best and be the best versions of us we can be.

There is no perfection, there is just love, remember everything comes from love and is love, and that includes you, even if you don’t feel it every day you are so loved. You have this massive team around you just bringing in more love for you and hugging on you and reminding you how important you truly are. This is the time of that and as the flash energies get more and more intense because that’s what’s happening now, since 2018, we’ve been sent in these gamma rays from our star nations, our galactic families and they’re, just upgrading our system and upgrading and upgrading right now We have the the grand solar flash is making its way in and, as it gets closer and closer you’re going to understand more you’re, going to see more you’re going to know more because it’s upgrading our system as it comes in so you’re already starting the alchemy Of you to your higher self, it’s just! We need that finale. We need that flash to come in and open up the van allen belts and allow this planet to become the 5d planet that it will be um.

It’s just an amazing time and we’re so close to that happening. Now I mean just so close, I’m sure you can feel it. I’m sure you understand that, and I just want to go over a couple little things about the soul of grand solar flash.

All these energies that we’re doing and holding to upgrade your system. Obviously your system is coming with you. Everybody has to leave the planet, everybody that is ascending is bringing the bodies with them. That’s why we’ve been taking all these energies? Your soul is already ascended.

It’s already a master right, but the body has to be able to hold that vibration of the higher realms. You know as it comes through that creation vibration. So, that’s why all these years, we’ve been upgrading the systems so when it comes in you’ll, go to sleep, but when you awaken you’ll be merged with your higher self, because your higher self can now get in to this system and you’ll be merged and you’ll. Remember all your past lives you’ll, remember this life that we’re in you’ll remember what you’re doing next and what you’re supposed to do and where you’re supposed to go nothing scary! It’s all love! It’s all amazing and really important that you remember that your ha! You have free will everything that is happening within your life.

Everything you have gone through everything you’re about to go through. You planned. You picked every minute of it. So if you’re concerned about any of it, please look to yourself look to your heart space.

Look to your resonance and ask yourself: how would you plan this? How would you want this to happen when the flash comes in? What would you like to be there waiting for you? Would you like your your family there? Would you like to already be on a ship? Would you like to wake up on blaskaya? These are all things you can do. Um there are some that are going over to bless gaia as soon as the flash hits, and these are people that are beings that need to get over there and be there first. Many of them are already been working on blesskaya for quite a while. There are others that are going to their ship, like their their galactic family is going to take them from their home and so that they’ll awaken on the ship, and they have chose that they have planned that it’s all about you.

I know several people that I have clients that I have have set it up so that their whole family is brought to their house like they have children that are older and they’re being brought to the house and they’ll all awaken there together and then just take The portal and walk over to bless guy as one it’s whatever you want and you control every bit of it. And yes, your children are going, your pets are going, most of our pets are higher vibration than we are and they’re so excited, and they also after the flash, will have this understanding. Their consciousness will be opened because, as you know, blesskaya the animals just roam. Free lions tigers and bears we all live together.

There’s there’s not a problem with that, because our consciousness is open, they’re still wild, but they understand and you can converse with them with your mind, um. It’s that’s how we we talk in the higher realms, not a lot of voice, um a lot of of pinging and using your abilities that way, it’s just so much easier. So there’s wonderful things happening and I just wanted to let you know remember it’s all from love and you plan to every bit of it.

That includes the humans that are ascending, the humans that have decided to take exit points before the flash. The humans that have decided to take an exit point during the flash, um they’ve decided their whole route. They, if they don’t want to ascend and they want to leave and go back to source they’re, welcome to – and that’s a beautiful thing if they do want to ascend they’re going to the vacation planet as they call it, which is basically a replica of this 3d Earth – and it just doesn’t have any programming or any ai like we have here, none of the lower entities, none of that it’s a beautiful place for them to awaken and start on their journey of ascension, and some of us will be going back over like on Weekends and stuff like that, we will be living there full time or anything, but we’ll be helping them understand, ascension and helping them work through things and wake up and once they’ve awakened and they choose what they want to do. They can choose to go to blesskaya.

If they’d like to, but no one is staying on this planet, this planet is basically overused over processed and it needs a rest. So gaia has already moved to bless gaia. That’s why it’s called blesskaya. She named it so you’ll find that she’s here now with us working on this ascension at the moment, but she’s not here full time by any means she’s fulltime on bless gaia, but you can connect into her in either place if you’d like to connect with her And talk she’ll tell you all this too um the planet here that we’re on now is going to rest a little bit we’re going to terraform it they’re, allowing it to kind of like take a breather, we’re talking two three hundred years.

There’s a male and a female logos: that’s coming in and they’re going to be, the entities of the planet nicely balanced and in a beautiful way. It’s all been worked on. It’s all been set up, everything’s moving forward, I’m just here to say we’re very close.

I know we’ve been very close before, but this time they have all kinds of things, they’ve learned so much on their path. I mean this is our sixth time trying to bring this in and each time they never give up, they keep pushing forward, but they learn as they go. They like to say, we’ve never done this on a planet with beans on it before it’s the first time.

We’ve ascended in the body it’s a big deal. We have so many star nations here watching and ready to participate and help in any way that we might need um, but they keep talking about the humans. The humans keep changing their minds. They’ll have a soul contract to stay and then they’ll decide.

No, I want to go and um. It’s been interesting. It’s been a lot, it’s been a long journey, but it’s so worth it because very soon we’ll be flashing forward, and then we as light workers, will be helping the humans assimilate and and find their way in this beautiful new bless gaia.

Now I’m talking about the ones that have that are ascending and they can hold the vibration and there’s way more than we originally thought. So it’s really exciting everything’s coming together, everything’s moving forward. It’s it’s really really magical.

If you think about it, because there are so many beings – and there are so many angelics and there’s so many what they call magicals working on this – you know the fae, the elementals just the most amazing thing, and if you’d like to see this go into your Pyramid, if you’re a pyramid holder it’s on the pyramid field, it’s on you know it’s all connected. You can go in and see all this. You can also meditate straight in set an intention to go to the pyramid field, set an intention to see the flash.

That’s coming to see the wheel of creation, that’s coming in, it’s all you and it’s all because of you. It’s all the work you’ve done, the holding the light, all the work you’ve done, the inner work, the releasing all of that is about you and for you and from you and this time, we’re in right now is so magical. The energies are getting stronger so that you’re getting stronger and then they’ll reach a peak and then you’re going to see the flash come through and you’ll actually see it in the sky before it arrives. So know that look for that.

It’s starting to pull right now on our heart chakras and as it gets closer it’ll, just pull more and more and more you’ll know. You’ll know it’s coming before it comes and then just relax into it. Allow the energies to come in.

Allow yourself to relax down on the bed or wherever you are remember. If you’re flying or any any sort of transportation, we have station agents that are on all of those. So that way, when the flash comes through, we’ll have one that’s a pilot that will just take the plane down one’s in cars and one’s in buses and mass transportation in your car.

Your station agents are always with you so funny. I hear somebody going what’s a station agent station agent is usually two beans that two to four that you know that are a higher vibration than you are and they are in your home now and you might see them. Animals love to watch them walk around and if your pets are watching things move across your house and you can’t figure out what that is. That’s your station agent and what they’re doing is when that flash comes through.

They will just be with you. They’ll make sure everything’s okay, I have given a list to mine like I want to make sure it’s gotten cold, where I am so. I want to make sure the heat’s on make sure everything’s, okay in the house make sure the dog if the dog wakes up before I do that: she’s, okay, taking care of the whole family, all that kind of good stuff.

So you can do that too. Just talk with your station agents they’re just like your guides, they’re right there with you except they’re, your guides for ascension for the flash, and that should tell you how close we are, because I’m already with you, I mean it is magical this time we’re in because You are magical. All we have to do is hold our vibration high and walk through this and everything’s coming to you on your path through you. Thank you for all you’re doing so that we can do this together as one it’s a huge planetary mission, but it’s so important and such a beautiful one and there’s so many different people out there saying so many different things, but do know they’re really all from One source they’re different versions, but it’s really the same thing.

We’re ascending and the flash is coming, and it’s not two years out it’s this year, it’s very exciting and your station agents are already with you. So you know how close it is. So just just know that please note that there is nothing.

That’s going to stop you from ascending. If you are a light worker in here and sending with us, no shots, no thoughts, no nothing! You are free. You are sourced to incarnate in the body we are ascending, all of us together, children, humans, everyone, all the animals on this planet are coming with us. Most of them have already been brought over some of the um bigger things that we’re going to do because originally we were going you’re going to see the ships come in and they were going to take the humans um.

You know board, although they’re not taking anyone that sounds very bad but they’re bringing the humans to the new planet. That is off. We’ve already done that in the quantum everybody’s ready, because the plant we’ve been here so long.

The planet is not as stable as it was before. So we’re actually seeing some of that terraforming already happening around us, the fires, the higher temperatures, the changes in the weather – all of that is part of the terraforming um and we’re safe through all of this. Don’t you even worry right there watching every bit of it.

So that’s not an issue. What’s an issue, is you you and your vibration, you and you’re connecting into you, follow your resonance because you are so important. Remember your energy. Is your currency at this point if they can even get you to stare for a second over here at something shiny, you are sending your high vibrational to it rather than to you, so please please focus on you at this time, focus on what you need and What you want focus heart, centered, love and your vibration – just be the best you you could be and share your light with those around you.

You remember you have a territory so we’re sending out our energies every day to the territory around us. We’re wrapping ourselves in source light. Please wrap yourself in source light property, two um! It might be a little bumpy as we go through because it’s never been done before, but they have guaranteed that when the flash comes in, it will be soft and it won’t be. Gentle and we’re we’ve put extra energies into it, so it will be very easy for you, most of us will wake up within 12 hours after the flash comes through and you’re going to wake up with all your knowings, all your remembrances and your abilities up to A 5d level because the planet will be 5d when you wake up this planet here, um and so we’ll be able to manifest.

I get a lot of questions about what about my home. What about the things I have here? Um you’ll be manifesting whatever you want on bless, gaia. You’ve probably already built your house we’re given plots and it’s much like if you watch doctor who it’s much like a tardis, it’s bigger on the inside, so you can build anything you want there, you manifest it, create your home, create your world and then you’re able To do whatever it is, you need to do on blesskaya. We all have a job of service that we do there.

We’re going to be working with the humans a lot, but when you awaken here, you’ll be in 5d, so you can manifest anything that you want. You can take things with you if you want to, but it’s not really necessary, because many of the things that are like plastic that aren’t good for us anything with chemicals, won’t be allowed on the planet. Everything there is safe and healthy and nontoxic, including the air and the water strawberries like this big.

We have trees that have apple and caramel. With this beautiful little area. With these little shops and people trade things, it’s just beautiful, it’s it’s, they always say you think you have help here.

You’ll never know what it’s like there until you feel it until you experience it, because when you’re out in the quantum you are connected to everything and everyone and you feel the love uh, there’s no words to describe it. It’s this! It’s this feeling. It kind of felt like when I was a little kid and I felt like everybody had my back, but I haven’t felt that in a very long time, um it’s just unconditional love from everything everywhere every space and you feel the connections, your connection to them. Um think about the person.

You love the most and, I sure hope it’s you. That is the feeling you get and give to everyone. You meet everyone. So imagine children growing up in that situation, where you don’t have to worry they’re out and running around blesskaya and everybody.

There loves them as much as you love them, and schools are completely different, everything’s, completely different you’re you’re learning through love, rather than through states and federal guidelines. It’s all about the children and what they need and the children are really. You know these amazing beings in the body.

They need more than just how to do arithmetic. They need to understand how their powers work, how you manifest, how you do this and that’s some of the things we’re going to be working with the humans on vlas, gaia. As well teaching them about manifestation and how to bring their best in, but for you let’s say, there’s something you truly want.

I mean crystals are okay, you can bring crystals, but there’s something that you truly want here. Just manifested there and it’ll manifest in a way that will work for less gaia and for you you’ll love it, but I can’t imagine there’s much who we want once you awaken you’ll understand it’s just truly, truly the most amazing time right now, because you are the Most amazing being you are so powerful, so strong and your knowings are going through the roof right now, really trust yourself, because, as that energy is getting closer, it’s opening you up. It’s bringing in more understandings, more knowings you’re becoming the ascended master that you truly are outside of. Here.

We’ve never been in vibrations. This high and I’ll just keep going and keep going until the flash comes through and uh. That’s very soon. I’m not able to give the date again, but we are very, very, very close and I just wanted to come in and let you know that and then I just love you to pieces and I thank you so much.

I know this has been a long mission and I know this has gone over time and you feel that you feel that deep within your soul, but just know, things are going great and we’re going to move forward very soon and I’m sending you so much. Love and always, if you have any questions I have sessions open, I do ascension sessions um pretty booked up though, but you can send me an email at any time come on in. I have a patreon group. If you’d like to join us there, we we talk about the stuff all the time.

It’s just wonderful, just wonderful, just like you have a great day today, enjoy the rest of it enjoy tomorrow and we’ll and we’ll see what comes have a wonderful week. If you need anything, I’m at a girl in the universecom.

Source: A Girl In The Universe

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